Essential Legal Publications, Blogs, and Podcasts Every Law Student Should Follow

Legal Publications, Blogs, Podcasts Law Student Should Follow

Hey there, future legal eagles! As a law student, it’s vital to keep your finger on the pulse of the ever-evolving legal landscape. To help you soar high in your legal career, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide to the must-follow legal publications, blogs, and podcasts. Brace yourself for an exhilarating journey filled with valuable insights and wisdom from industry experts!

1. ABA Journal: Unmasking the Legal World

The American Bar Association (ABA) is the forefather of all voluntary bar associations in the United States. The ABA Journal, their monthly publication, is a treasure trove of business news, thought-provoking essays, and spicy analysis. It’s a one-stop shop for legal minds, covering everything from legal writing to well-being and the Supreme Court. What’s better? Non-members can still enjoy numerous items on their website if they are ABA members and have free access to the digital edition. So, delve in and discover the legal realm’s secret truths!

2. Legal Talk Network: Conversations with Legal Gurus

Legal Talk Network is the undisputed king of legal podcasts. This online legal media network features enthralling debates moderated by famous legal experts, solicitors and industry insiders. Consider this: contemporary legal challenges, practical advice, and direct experiences on a silver platter. Legal Talk Network is your golden ticket to expanding your legal knowledge, with podcasts covering a wide range of practise areas and current trends. So tune in, crank up the volume, and prepare to drink up some serious legal knowledge!

3. Law School Toolbox Podcast: Unlocking the Secrets to Legal Success

Hello there, brave law school traveller! Don’t worry, the Law School Toolbox Podcast has your back and then some! This show, led by seasoned solicitors, is a treasure trove of priceless insights, information, and techniques that will equip you to conquer law school like a pro. They’ve got all your bases covered, from acing examinations to mastering study techniques, from regulating the clock to charting your professional path, and even maintaining your mental well-being. So, whether you’re a fresh-faced 1L just starting off or a bar exam warrior preparing for the ultimate test, this podcast will be your constant companion on the thrilling trip to legal glory!

4. The Legal Geeks: Where Law Meets Pop Culture

Attention all legal buffs with a pop culture bent! The Legal Geeks podcast is an absolute must-listen. This unique jewel, hosted by practising solicitors, takes you on a mind-bending trip where law and popular culture mix in the most mesmerising way. Consider this: movies, TV shows, comic books, and much more. Prepare to be amazed as The Legal Geeks masterfully dissects the legal difficulties depicted in fictional works, providing an educational experience that is both amusing and informative. So unleash your inner geek and start on an epic journey through the realms of legal principles intermingled with the glitz and glamour of pop culture!

5.SCOTUStalk: Unveiling the Supreme Court’s Secrets

Are you interested in the inner workings of the United States Supreme Court? Look no farther than SCOTUStalk, a podcast created by SCOTUSblog, the definitive source for Supreme Court coverage. Prepare for in-depth discussions, assessments of recent cases, legal expert insights, and riveting interviews with notable attorneys and judges. SCOTUStalk pulls back the curtain to give you a unique behind-the-scenes look at constitutional law and the exciting world of judicial decision-making. So put on your legal detective hat and enter the halls of power!

6. Legal Writing Pro Blog: Mastering the Art of Legal Penmanship

The written word has unequalled power in the legal sphere. That’s where legal writing specialist Ross Guberman’s Legal Writing Pro Blog comes in. This blog is a veritable goldmine of legal writing suggestions, methodologies, and best practises. It covers a wide range of topics needed for any aspiring legal scribe, from persuasive writing to grammar, clarity to efficient communication. So, apply Guberman’s advice and watch your writing talents blossom, propelling you to success in your legal career!

7. Above the Law: The Legal World Unleashed

Above the Law, a well-known legal news and opinion blog, is about to blow your legal mind. It provides a fresh perspective on all things legal with its distinctive blend of smart articles, opinion pieces, and spicy industry news. Prepare for a wild ride through recent legal advancements, career guidance, and even a look at the lighter side of the legal profession. Above the Law is more than simply a blog; it’s a virtual playground for law students like you. So, Join in and become a part of the legal revolution!

8. The Modern Law Library: A Literary Voyage into Legal Realms

The Modern Law Library podcast is a literary refuge for law students looking for a taste of legal literature. Each episode, produced by the American Bar Association, contains riveting interviews with notable authors who have written books on the law, legal history, and the legal profession. Immerse yourself in the realm of legal research, gaining profound insights from influential legal works and learning from the field’s best thinkers. The Modern Law Library provides a one-of-a-kind opportunity to deepen your grasp of legal subjects through the enthralling force of literature.

9. The Legal Aid Society Podcast: Making Justice a Reality

Are you passionate about social justice and putting your legal abilities to good use? The Legal Aid Society Podcast is the ultimate source of motivation. This wonderful resource highlights The Legal Aid Society’s amazing achievements as a groundbreaking organisation that provides legal services to low-income persons. The programme digs into the real-life legal problems that vulnerable populations experience, focusing light on both the challenges and victories in the pursuit of justice. So, let the stories pique your interest, and learn how your legal talents may become a powerful force for constructive social change.

Conclusion: Empower Your Legal Journey

Knowledge is power in the fast-paced world of law. By reading these vital legal periodicals, blogs, and podcasts, you’ll extend your horizons, acquire unparalleled insights from legal titans, and keep on top of the legal profession. These materials will surely boost your legal education, whether you consume renowned legal magazines, explore intriguing blogs, or listen to thought-provoking podcasts. So buckle up, start on this transforming voyage, and discover your entire legal potential. The world is waiting for you to make an impression!

Author bio: Meet Mark Edmonds, a seasoned legal expert with an insatiable thirst for knowledge. Mark’s speciality as a member of the Academic Assignments team is providing students with unrivalled law assignment help. Mark brings years of hands-on experience in the legal field to the table, as well as a wealth of knowledge and a razor-sharp attention to detail. His unwavering dedication to providing high-quality assignment writing services, as well as his unwavering desire to help law students succeed, have made him a respected academic authority. Prepare for an academic journey guided by Mark’s competence and steadfast commitment!