How to present and discuss the findings and implications of your research

Effective Research Presentation Findings & Implications

The findings of the research can be presented in various ways. And one of the best ways it can be done mainly depends on the person to whom the findings are presented and the reason behind that. One example is if one wants to present the findings of their study to their professor, they need to write it formally, which also outlines the main concerns of the study, what the research has concluded and what it wants to be done in future.

Drafting a report

A report is referred to as formal written material which explains the study’s findings to the audience to a large extent. Usually, it is divided into several parts. These are the title page, page of content, the introduction of the topic, methodology, findings, discussion, conclusions and recommendations. The introduction part mainly introduces the topic to the reader by providing the background of the subject and explaining how it applies to the current situation and also determining why it is important to discuss this specific portion of the topic and what the goals or objectives are important to be determined to attain the success of the project. Methodology explains what is to be done with the data and how it can be analysed. It identifies the methods for the study to analyse the data. Findings explain the exact thing generated from the methods, basically the facts. Employing charts, graphs, infographics, or tables is a better way of explaining any collected data and helps make it look more engaging. The discussion discusses the meaning of the findings in an elaborate manner. This part of the study interprets and describes the importance of the findings and why they are so important. The conclusion is that part of the study sums up all the main findings of the study. And lastly, recommendations describe if further research can be done on the research question or the study’s objectives. It also explains if any changes are required or if the solutions to the issues were found.
An executive summary is added to the research study just after the content page. This executive summary is a short overview describing the report in a single or double page, mainly focusing on the objectives, methods utilised, conclusions, and recommendations. It is included in the study if a reader does not have much time or does not want to study the entire paper.

Creativity in writing is one of the ways to present the paper in a presentable manner. It does not matter whom the researcher will present the paper in front of, but it is important to ensure the format of the study used. While being creative, the researcher needs to focus on the paper to be meaningful and relevant to the readers. Not only does the written draft need to be creative, but it is also important to present the findings creatively, including music, videos, poetry, performance and art. While presenting the findings of the study, it is significant to use accessible and clear language which can be easily understandable; explaining the procedure of how the research was completed; highlighting the main findings of the study and recommendations based on the study; and lastly making it more relevant for the readers to get influenced.

Once the researcher drafts the findings in the research paper, the next move is to discuss how this will affect the world. And this will also discuss the importance of the study to the other researchers, laypersons or the researcher. This supposition will make up a good implication of the study. A research study that does not explain the study’s importance depending on the findings generated needs to be more specific. The study can be relevant to the individuals who all worked hard to draft the study, such as the researcher and some co-workers. Yet, the study needs to be more specific in terms and will not provide any benefit to the raiders reading it. The main implications of the study constitute explaining how can findings of the study help create a better environment; and what can be understood from the conclusion of the study regarding the current scenario of the study in the discussed area of interest or the quality of the method that is utilised in the study. The researcher cannot foresee the influence of the study on the research or the world shortly. The researcher needs to focus on making reasonable speculation. To ensure that the implications give appropriate reasons, the researcher needs to be fully concentrated on the study’s limitations. In the research context, only the theory mainly supported by the data is estimated as the valid implications of the study. If the implications drawn by the researcher do not follow the key findings of the research, the study’s implication may not sound good if anyone listens to it. For example, imagine the study analysing the impacts of a new drug type in adults. Here, in this situation, the researcher cannot honestly theorise the effects of the drug on pediatric care. Therefore, the implications drawn from the research study cannot go beyond the scope of the research.

Practical Implications

Suppose that the research finds a type of analytical therapy that is inefficient in treating insomnia. The study’s findings imply that the psychologists who employed this analytical therapy for the patients could not see the exact return and not an expectancy influence. These types of studies or research papers can influence the real-world problems of the world’s suffering by changing the treatment and promising the policies of the practical implications.
Drafting implications helps understand the main difference between the recommendation and the implication of the research paper. Imagine that the study is compared to the number of therapies, ranks them in the effectiveness order, and explicitly asks the clinical facilities to follow the most critically effective type of research. While all the suggestion made at the last of the study explains the recommendation of the study and not particularly the implications.

Theoretical implication – Are the generated findings align with the existing research? Did the outcomes confirm the tools, methods, and techniques to be utilised in the existing research, or are they not authenticating them? It also helps in discussing whether there is any new as well as a helpful manner by which the experiments can be done; The researcher needs to forecast the research findings by mainly focusing on the study`s field, all considered as theoretical implications of the study. One of the main and basic differences between the theoretical and practical implications indicates that theoretical implications are only sometimes easily helpful for the researchers, the public or policymakers.

How to Write Implications in the Research Study

Implications of the study are one of the essential parts of a research study. As discussed above, the study’s implications start by summarising the paper. He also puts his time into emphasising the significance of the work. While the researcher is drafting the study’s implications, it is important to take advice from people mainly (teachers, professors, and co-workers) who will be getting an advantage from their research paper. Is it the policymakers, other researchers, the public and physicians? After all this, now the researcher knows about the study’s target population and, thus, explains how the research findings can help them. The researcher needs to consider how his study’s findings are identical or non-identical to the generated results of other related papers. The results generated by the researcher may disprove the outcomes of the existing research papers. And thus, it is a critical implication. The researcher also needs to put down his suggestions on how the study can be used in future and what its future directions in the area are based on the findings or the further scope of the investigation to confirm the generated results. These are also considered to be as important implications. Also, there is no need to overemphasise the results and the findings, but it is significant to ensure that the tone used in the study must reflect the finding`s strength. Suppose the discussed implications are found to be convincing. In that case, it will improve the visibility of the research study and, thus, spur identical studies in the researcher`s area of interest.


Presenting and discussing the findings and implications of a research study are the most critical part of a research paper. Drafting a report accurately is one of the ways by which the research paper looks tidy and in an, arranged and presentable manner. The appropriate way by which a report must be drafted is to start writing it in a sequence. The sequence is first the title page, page of content, introduction, methodology, findings, discussion, conclusion and recommendation. While drafting the study, the researcher needs to be creative so that the reader or the audience finds it interesting while reading it. Implications are the summary of the study, and it also helps in emphasising the importance of the study. Taking suggestions from teachers or co-workers helps formulate the study’s implications. The researcher also explains how the findings help the targeted population. This also helps in finding the results of similar studies like the one he is drafting; there is also a need to show how the research study can be used for further research to confirm the outcomes generated. These are considered to be critical implications of the study. If the study’s implications are found to be convincing, then the visibility of the study will be enhanced.

Author Bio: Mark Edmonds, a skilled professional at Academic Assignments, specializes in providing the best quality research paper writing service at affordable prices. With extensive experience in the field, Mark excels in guiding researchers in effectively presenting and discussing their findings and implications. Committed to delivering excellence, Mark’s meticulous approach and deep understanding of research methodologies ensure top-notch results. As a valued member of the Academic Assignments team, Mark consistently assists clients in achieving their research goals with precision, reliability, and utmost satisfaction.